WordSmith …………

June 19, 2008

Writing, right? Part 3

Filed under: Writing — Guru @ 10:31 am

I have been in alot of thought of late … I do not know why am spending time thinking instead of writing which is my first love. May be I have been too busy with my other pet projects. This is the first part of this series and the second is here. So that makes this one the third one, right?

Nonetheless, I shall let my mind wander and thoughts coalesce all on their own. I shall allow my mind to cross seas and scale mountains, down ravines and canyons, into the blue sky yonder. I shall let the written word take a life of its own and flutter away as I do other imaginative and creative things. I shall write and write right. I shall not stop, shall not relent from my pursuits, my passion shall crown me with glory, my moment in the sun, glory to the king!

Sounds like time for a poem ……….. here we go

Hibiscus and Cassis

Floral potpourri scented and tinted
With a burst of colour and painted
On the damask blinds, praised
The world over, is the raised
Hibiscus and cassis

Taking a life of its own and living
In a world devoid of any leering
To creativity and always bringing
Out the very best in painting
Hibiscus and cassis

When all is said, but not done
When we have all but gone
We shall remember the bone
We had to pick all alone
Hibiscus and cassis

Stanza to the end and last
Because it is not the fast
Or in any way to blast
Leaving all aghast
Hibiscus and cassis

Where did that poem come from? I have no idea, but what important is that we keep scratching as the itch comes to haunt us. To live by the writing rote, to live by the confines of the writing world, is to truly live. To explore and tell all, to create and live by the written word, is to truly live.

These are but ramblings and random musings of this writer, one on a journey of self discovery, by writing, right? One more poem.

Poetic Justice

When shall the crying stop
So we may hear the wind rustle
And the leaves flutter in the wind
As we witness justice being done
Neither delayed nor denied, it this
Poetic justice?

Shall we pen poems or prose
Or plays or filmscripts or
Graffiti on the walls or
Blogs and vlogs and stuff
Online and offline, it this
Poetic justice?

The weak and downtrodden
Shall inherit the kingdom
And so shall the meek, but
Not the greedy and corrupt
And the plunderers, is this
Poetic justice?

Only when all the chicken and
Cows, sacred or not, and goats
As well as sheep and rabbits
Are home to roost, not roast
Shall we say we indeed have
Poetic justice

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