WordSmith …………

January 30, 2009

Short Story

Filed under: Uncategorized — Guru @ 12:11 pm

Across the Desert – pt III
by M. R. Karugi

The camcorder operator, who also spoke passable English, and acted as the team leader, jabbed his finger in Muhandis direction.

“You mister, come here”, he said gruffly. The two sentries jerked Muhandis upright and pushed him to the kneeling position on the bed sheet. They stood by his side, guns at the ready, as if he would bolt, Muhandis thought.

The other two guards took new positions to cover the remaining captives better. One of his colleagues started crying behind him, a low wailing sound that echoed in the tent. Another one soon joined in the chorus.

“What do you think of meeting your maker, huh? Are you ready for heaven?” he asked Muhandis, his eyes a black pool of mystery. Muhandis stared at him blankly.

Due to the fatigue, Muhandis took some time to register what he was about to happen, and then it hit him like a thunderbolt. Their captors were actually going to execute them, as they had said. Muhandis wanted to say a thousand things at the same time. I mean, the video clip had barely reached the networks, and they had to wait for the response from their employer and ……….. It then occurred to him that none of that mattered.

Indeed the end had come. This was the moment of truth. More wailing from his colleagues rent the air. The desert was eerily still.

The lead captor then took a step towards a canvas bag leaning against the tent wall. He reached inside and took out what looked like a long, curved sheathed sword, of course it was a sword, what else could it be? Muhandis felt a big lump develop and start constricting his throat, he tried swallowing it in vain. His breathing was coming out in small bursts, and the sweat dripping from his forehead stung his eyes. His shirt was already soaked, and his grey khaki trousers were beginning to stain at the waist band.

The English-speaking, camcorder-operating captor, in an audible swoosh removed the curved, evil-looking sword from its chamois leather sheath. It glistened in the dim tent light. Muhandis closed his eyes and tried hard to swallow, but the lump had grown bigger and would not budge.

The sword brandishing captor, ordered him to open his eyes, as if it mattered, Muhandis thought. His eyes fluttered open, the sweat now running in rivulets from his forehead into his wide open eyes. The sweat really stung.

“Any last words?” the captor asked his eyes locked hard on Muhandis’. Did it matter now?

Muhandis could not utter a word, and his mouth hung open, dry and as parched as the desert outside. He attempted to wet his lips with an extended tongue; an effort was too much for his fatigued body. It was miracle he had not collapsed yet.

The captor, eyes now wide open and glistening in the dim light, tightened his two-hand grip on the sword, and raised it high above his right shoulder.

He cracked a smile, a gold-capped tooth catching the last glint of light that Muhandis saw on this earth, and the swoosh made by the sword sounded like a huge gust of wind as it descended towards Muhandis’ exposed neck. The cool air from the gust swirled over his sweat-drenched face.

Muhandis woke with a start, sitting bolt upright on his bed, as the electric fan whirled above his head with a slight swooshing sound. The cool air swirled over his sweat-drenched face. The dim light burning from the wall cast small shadows in his room. His body was drenched in sweat and his eyes stung. He clambered out of his bed and stumbled blindly into the adjoining bathroom. He rinsed his face with cold water and grabbed a towel from the rack above the sink, burying his face in its softness.

The dream had left him shaking like a leaf in a storm.

the end

June 26, 2008

My Writing Update

So I have been working hard to finish these two books that I am working on. The hours are punishing and I cannot seem to get enough done in 24hrs. Between a day job, commuting, writing, reading, family time, eating, relaxing, me-time, sleeping, exercising …. 24 hrs are not enough. I have been reading from the experts on how to get stuff done daily by prioritising the items, shutting down email and chat, being strict with distruptions etc. Its all very nice when you read and take notes …. try it and a whole new world of organized chaos emerges.

So I am working on two books, one a work of creative fiction another non-fiction. I have also been consulting the experts on publishing and am scheduled to get down to my lawyers office so we can discuss legal perspectives of this while publishing thing. I used to think that getting the words is the hard part, but the publishing industry here in Kenya (and am sure everywhere) is unforgiving and very daunting for first timers. I have read about self-publishing and all its pros and cons. I dunno.

Am just wondering, do we have some kind of agents in Kenya who do the leg work so that we writers concentrate on writing? Hallo, any agents out there? And then what about publishing abroad? Publishing online? Oh, this is so confusing …. I need a poem to help me clear my mind ……

Spinning the Yarn

It was wound taut, and
Sinews around the centerpiece
Unrelenting in its tightness,
It was almost constricting
Trying to purge it was a
Tall order, day or night

The yarn had been spun
For many years, or is it eons,
And it formed a tight, thick
Harness around his chest, such
That his heart beat an unsteady
Tattoo inside his ribcage

The yarn had started as a tiny
Wispy strand, but with constant
Spinning, stretching and tightening
Had evolved into a tight bundle
That now threatened to choke him
Like unruly weeds among flowers

Not to be outdone, the flowers
Had all intentions of blossoming
Tight yarn or no, and this meant
A constant struggle to blossom
Against all odds and even ends
Which would justify the means

As the struggle endured and wore on
The yarn became tighter and tougher
The flower became longer and brighter
For in the end the yarn could only
Stretch so much, but the flowers could
Always grow and blossom in new life

Having won the battle against the
Tight ball of yarn, the flowers
Smiled at the sun rays which
Shone directly and kissed them
On all sides and covered them
With warmth and nurturing life

The End

Now that my mind is clear, what do you dear reader have to say about writing and publishing in Kenya, or online? Oh … and self publishing too. Let me hear your comments.

March 18, 2008

Going on 16……………..

Filed under: Uncategorized — Guru @ 11:01 am

… as in 16,000 words. By the time the keyboard started swimming in front of my eyes last night, I was just about to hit the 16K mark. Oh boy, its’ exhilarating. It is very fulfilling to see your creation coming to reality. I am still waiting for bare feet broadband on my balcony (I am trying to say I have a nice wide balcony). Any ISPs reading this from Nairobi, please know we need these services.

Having said all that, may be I have to do more research and key in more words before the weekend. We have the long Easter weekend coming up, and I want to spend it doing other things, not writing.

So see you at KM 18.

January 17, 2008

Food for Thought ……..

Filed under: Uncategorized — Guru @ 8:29 am

 Some food for thought below.


The difference between great people and everyone else is that great people create their lives actively, while everyone else is created by their lives, passively waiting to see where life takes them next. The difference between the two is the difference between living fully and just existing – Michael E. Gerber

There is a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results – Ken Blanchard

99% of all failures come from people who have a habit of making excuses – George Washington Carver

January 15, 2008

5AM Dispatches

Filed under: Uncategorized — Guru @ 8:09 am
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I am now reading some literature on how to come up with a running training programme that is sustainable. This is forming very important body of knowledge for me as I try and integrate running into my life fully. The morning run was very exciting bearing in mind that I am now using proven tactics. It is getting better every day.

My thoughts seemed to drift in the direction of time management. May be this was due to a book am reading titled “First Things First – Coping With the Ever-Increasing Demands of the Workplace” by Stephen R. Covey and others. The book has some very thought provoking ideals which I am studying closely. I shall be sharing the insights in future dispatches.

I am also reading some fiction work, a favourite past time, as I study how other writers weave stories. After the run, glancing at the mock up of the best seller lists where my books are number 1, I was very gratified. I shall make it!

Thank you for reading. Tomorrow is another day!

January 12, 2008

5AM Dispatches

Filed under: Uncategorized — Guru @ 7:58 am
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Saturday is a great day. I get to make for lost time in my writing and other things in my life. As I jogged today, a big smile was playing on my face. Pity that it was dark and no one was watching, but no problem. Last night I made the mock ups of my books (real and imaginary) on top of the best-sellers list. I printed the list and stuck it on the wall. It was very exciting. As I pounded the road today, I could see myself receiving accolades globally for great works of fiction and other literary greats. I actually created two lists showing three of my books (real and imaginary).

The Caine Prize for African Writing is held every July. The deadline for submission is usually January 31st of the same year. I am gunning for the 2009 prize, and others there after. I have read the requirements and memorized them. So my writing plan is now SMART. This morning, the cool air was tasting better, as I envisioned myself awaiting to receive the writing prize. I was smiling as I entered my house again after an exerting run. It cannot get better.

Thank you for reading. Tomorrow is another day.

April 20, 2007

and so it came to pass ……

Filed under: Uncategorized — Guru @ 1:10 pm

……. that I would plunge into the dizzying world of blogging. While the thoughts flow, wander, coalesce and finally take form, the blogger puts fingers to ebony keyboard, and types away.

So it came to pass ………….

Blog at WordPress.com.